The Weekly STAR (Sept. 9th)

 Sandlapper's Vision

Sandlapper will prepare every student academically, socially, and emotionally to be creative leaders in a global society.

If you have a change of transportation for your child(ren), please complete the 2022-2023 Transportation Change Form prior to 2pm on the requested day. Changes in transportation will not be received after 2pm. If you would like to check your student out early, please be sure to complete the form prior to 2pm.

If you haven't joined our awesome PTO yet, no worries. Click here!

Evening Stars After School Program

Are you in need of after school child care for the 2022-2023 school year? Evening Stars After School Program has openings available.  Spots are filled on a first-come, first-serve basis, so please don't wait!  Evening Stars is a tuition-based program, that provides your student(s) with an afternoon snack, homework assistance, and both academic and fun-filled activities.

Registration - $50 per student Daily rate is $16.  A 10% discount is given for families who have 2 children enrolled. ($10.80 per day per student.)  If you are interested in enrollment, please contact Tzarina Salomon at

 ParentSquare is our new unified communications platform that will replace Blackboard. It offers a whole host of tools that allows district, school administrators, and teachers to more effectively communicate and engage with families and students. 
Here’s what you can do with ParentSquare:
  • Receive messages from the school via email, text, or app notification
  • Choose to receive information as it comes or all at once with a daily digest at 6 pm
  • Communicate in your preferred language
  • Direct message teachers and staff
  • Participate in group messages
  • Sign up for parent-teacher conferences
Visit the ParentSquare YouTube channel to learn more. If you have questions or need assistance with ParentSquare, please contact Ms. Dinkins at She is happy to help!

💲Technology Insurance Fee💲

All Richland Two students are assessed a non-refundable $20 technology insurance fee to cover the cost of technology repairs. The technology fee plan provides 100% repair cost coverage for the first instance of accidental damage to the student’s school-assigned computing device. The plan also covers the cost of device replacement in the event of theft, provided a police report is filed.

The cost of repeat instances of device damage will be assessed according to the full cost of repair.  The deadline to pay the technology insurance fee is September 30th of each school year. The technology insurance fee cannot be paid after September 30th. The coverage period for technology insurance begins as soon as the premium is paid in full, which must be done no later than the September 30th deadline, and runs through September 30th of the following year. The full details of the technology fee plan are published in the technology insurance fee documentation available on Sandlapper's website.

We highly suggest ALL K-5th grade students have technology insurance. Although a few grade levels do not take their devices home daily, accidents still occur. The technology insurance covers most situations.

Teacher of the Week is BACK!

It’s almost here! We have the very best teachers in the country right here in North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia and FSIoffice is privileged to shine a spotlight on these dedicated teachers. We look forward to the 2022 edition (our 13th) when we expand the event into our Virginia Beach market as well as adding some other significant and exciting changes to the promotion.

TOW2022 will really “Amplify the Awesome”!

How it works:

Nominations are open September 5th through November 27th.

From each week's nominations FSIoffice personnel will choose the Top 10 Teachers of the Week.

Those Top 10 Teachers are voted on by YOU, to determine the Weekly Winner.

The 12 Weekly Winners are all in the running for Teacher of the Year!

Teacher of the Year will be announced in January 2023!

Click here for Teacher of the Week Official Rules

2021 Teacher of the Year Mary Bryan at Jay M. Robinson Middle School
Charlotte, NC with FSIoffice CEO Kim Leazer

Click here to see the Teacher of the Week Photo Gallery

Visit for more information